Spanish Language Coach and Tutor, Columbus, Ohio

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Tag: Spanish listening practice

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Spanish Listening Practice #12


Costa Rican cycling enthusiast, Eliécer González, talks to us about the benefits of riding a bike.

The is the second part in a series about cycling.

Let’s listen in…

Audio File

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Spanish Listening Practice #11


Native Spanish speaker originally from the Dominican Republic, America, talks to us about how Mother’s Day is celebrated in her native country.

Let’s listen in…

Audio File

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Spanish Listening Practice #10


In this Spanish listening practice, Eliecer, an English teacher from Costa Rica, talks to us about how he developed a passion for bike riding.

This is the first of a series of audios.

Let’s listen in…

Audio File

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Spanish Listening Practice #9


In this Spanish listening practice, my friend and co-teacher from Costa Rica talks to us about what she likes to do in her free time.

Having trouble figuring out how gustar and other verbs like it work? Check out this post for an explanation and practice quiz.

Let’s listen in..

Audio File

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Spanish Listening Practice #8


Today is two for Tuesday – for the beginners, an introduction from Jessy, one of my English co-teachers from Costa Rica.

For those listeners who are more advanced, a message from my Colombian friend, Melissa, explaining what “bodega” refers to in Colombia.

Let’s listen in…

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Spanish Listening Practice #7


This is the final audio in the series where my friend, Dayana, from Colombia talks about her business project, getting healthier and going to the gym.

In this message, Dayana talks about being called in to help out at her old job and what that job entails. It’s an interesting mix of more specific vocabulary and high frequency phrasal units like “por decirlo así”.

Let’s listen in…

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Spanish Listening Practice #6


Hilda was one of my host moms when I was serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Costa Rica.

She is a very hard worker and takes great pride in her amazing garden, which provides a variety of fruits and vegetables for the family.

In a recent conversation, I told Hilda that I had been working for a landscaping company and started dating a Brazilian woman.

Her response exposes a commonly held belief in her community related to work in the United States.

Let’s listen in.

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Spanish Listening Practice #5


Allow me to introduce you to Jeffrey, my mentor while I was co-teaching English at the SENA institute in Valledupar, Colombia.

Jeffrey rarely spoke to me in Spanish, if at all, during my time in Colombia. At that time, I was not able to understand 90-100% of what he said to me in Spanish.

He talks FAST. Even with the transcript it will be difficult to follow, but it will help.

Heck, Jeffrey himself couldn’t understand the same part that I couldn’t understand, which I’ll place in (parenthesis) in the transcript.

This clip is actually great for learning how to grasp the idea and not concern yourself with every single word that is spoken. In fact, that will be the listening task for this audio:

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Spanish Listening Practice #2


This audio clip is part of a series of messages that my friend from Colombia, Dayana, left me in response to me asking her how her business project was going. “¿Cómo te va el emprendimiento?”

As her business adventure has to do with health and wellness, she begins to talk about how she’s been feeling lately and what changes she plans to make in her life to feel better.

This 1 minute long clip is loaded with verbs that we use to talk about daily routine and activities and other expressions that are used frequently in daily conversation.

Listening Task

Which two verbs does Dayana use to talk about her sleep/wake cycle? Write your answer in the comment section below.

Audio File


La verdad yo me siento muy cansada, me da mucho sueño, no me dan ganas de hacer nada…

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Spanish Listening Practice #1


Today’s audio comes from a conversation I was having over WhatsApp with a friend of mine from Colombia, Dayana.

I had left her an audio message but my phone was connected to a speaker through bluetooth and therefore, the sound didn’t come through well.

In this :38 second clip you will hear Dayana use several different and common expressions that all mean essentially “no entiendo”.

Listening Task

“O sea” is a highly used expression in Spanish no matter where the speaker is from. Today’s task has 2 parts:

  1. How many times does Dayana say “o sea” in the clip?
  2. How does “o sea…” best translate to English? “However”, “therefore” or “in other words”?

Leave your answers in the comments section!

Audio File


“Hola Tom.  Bueno, no te entendí nada, pero…porque no, no entiendo bien lo que dices…

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