Spanish Language Coach and Tutor, Columbus, Ohio

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Tag: Spanish listening comprehension Page 1 of 2

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Spanish Listening Practice #21


Sandra, a school teacher from Mexico, talks about when and how Independence Day is celebrated in her country.

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Spanish Listening Practice #20


Sandra, a school teacher from Mexico, talks about the dance culture in her city and in the country.



Sí, sí, claro. Aquí nosotros los mexicanos bailamos mucho, tenemos muchos bailes regionales.

Cada estado de la República Mexicana se identifica con su baile regional, baile tradicional, en las fiestas bailamos también.

Ese viene siendo parecido, así como Colombia, como dices tú. De hecho las mucho aquí la salsa y otros otros nuevos géneros.

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Spanish Listening Practice #19

Dayana from Colombia Explains Meme


Dayana Torregroza, a Colombian entrepreneur explains the meaning behind this meme:



Tom, “chaparritas” acá en Colombia…bueno, en esta parte de la costa se les dicen a las personas pequeñas.

Por ejemplo, en mi caso algunos miembros de mi familia me dicen “chaparra” por mi estatura porque soy..mi estatura es pequeña.

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Spanish Listening Practice #17

Interview with Melissa Hernández: Part 4-6


Melissa Hernández is an environmental and sanitary engineer from Colombia, currently working as an English professor.

In this series, she talks about her experience moving to the United States and learning English.

You can listen to the first 3 parts here.

In parts 4-6, she talks about the techniques she used to learn English and her biggest challenges acquiring the language.

Let’s listen in:

Part 4

Audio-Part 4

Transcription-Part 4

Comencé con el Rey León. Porque si lo que a mí me gusta ver mucho películas.

Y pues, me estaba dando cuenta que hubo un tiempo en el que tuve que esperar mi transición de visa de turista a visa de estudiante y pues me veía películas y yo decía bueno, si estoy viendo películas pues voy a aprovechar y las voy a ver en inglés.

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Spanish Listening Practice #15


Costa Rican cyclist Eliécer González tells a story about an accident that he had while riding his bike one day.

Eliécer was one of my English co-teachers while I was on assignment in Costa Rica, and this accident happened during that time.

As a result, Eliécer was not able to come to school and teach, and so I worked alongside his substitutes until he was all healed up.

Let’s listen to what went down:

Audio File

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Spanish Listening Practice #14


Costa Rican cyclist Eliécer González talks about what equipment is needed to ride a bike or compete in cycling. There is a ton of cycling specific vocabulary and verbs in this clip.

Let’s listen in:

Audio File

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Spanish Listening Practice #13


Costa Rican English teacher Jessy Chavez talks about what she does for work and shares with us her perspective and approach for teaching English being a native Spanish speaker.

Let’s listen in…

Audio File – Part 1

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Spanish Listening Practice #12


Costa Rican cycling enthusiast, Eliécer González, talks to us about the benefits of riding a bike.

The is the second part in a series about cycling.

Let’s listen in…

Audio File

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Spanish Listening Practice #11


Native Spanish speaker originally from the Dominican Republic, America, talks to us about how Mother’s Day is celebrated in her native country.

Let’s listen in…

Audio File

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Spanish Listening Practice #10


In this Spanish listening practice, Eliecer, an English teacher from Costa Rica, talks to us about how he developed a passion for bike riding.

This is the first of a series of audios.

Let’s listen in…

Audio File

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