Spanish Language Coach and Tutor, Columbus, Ohio

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Tag: listening exercises

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Spanish Listening Practice #15


Costa Rican cyclist Eliécer González tells a story about an accident that he had while riding his bike one day.

Eliécer was one of my English co-teachers while I was on assignment in Costa Rica, and this accident happened during that time.

As a result, Eliécer was not able to come to school and teach, and so I worked alongside his substitutes until he was all healed up.

Let’s listen to what went down:

Audio File

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Spanish Listening Practice #7


This is the final audio in the series where my friend, Dayana, from Colombia talks about her business project, getting healthier and going to the gym.

In this message, Dayana talks about being called in to help out at her old job and what that job entails. It’s an interesting mix of more specific vocabulary and high frequency phrasal units like “por decirlo así”.

Let’s listen in…

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Spanish Listening Practice #6


Hilda was one of my host moms when I was serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Costa Rica.

She is a very hard worker and takes great pride in her amazing garden, which provides a variety of fruits and vegetables for the family.

In a recent conversation, I told Hilda that I had been working for a landscaping company and started dating a Brazilian woman.

Her response exposes a commonly held belief in her community related to work in the United States.

Let’s listen in.

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Guide: Spanish Listening Practice

Sticky post

You’ve just broken your language app streak record and are feeling confident about your upcoming vacation in Mexico.  

After all, you are able to understand the majority of the Spanish you hear on the app and have even ventured onto YouTube and watched hours upon hours of videos from your favorite Spanish learning channels.

And then you step off the plane and hear this:  

…and meet reality head on.  Between the speed, regional accents and slang there seems to be a decent sized gap between the Spanish spoken in language learning materials and that spoken on the street.  

I’ve created this group to help close that gap.

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