
Today’s audio comes from a conversation I was having over WhatsApp with a friend of mine from Colombia, Dayana.

I had left her an audio message but my phone was connected to a speaker through bluetooth and therefore, the sound didn’t come through well.

In this :38 second clip you will hear Dayana use several different and common expressions that all mean essentially “no entiendo”.

Listening Task

“O sea” is a highly used expression in Spanish no matter where the speaker is from. Today’s task has 2 parts:

  1. How many times does Dayana say “o sea” in the clip?
  2. How does “o sea…” best translate to English? “However”, “therefore” or “in other words”?

Leave your answers in the comments section!

Audio File


“Hola Tom.  Bueno, no te entendí nada, pero…porque no, no entiendo bien lo que dices…