tomatoes, vegetable, food-3478061.jpg
“Me pongo rojo como un tomate cuando estoy embarazado.”

I was working at a local restaurant and bar as a server and bartender.  I had already accepted a teaching position in Colombia and was beginning to practice Spanish on my own and at the restaurant with some of the Spanish speaking kitchen staff. 

One day, I was in the kitchen waiting for an order when my face turned red.  I can’t remember the reason why, but the only thing you need to know as it relates to this story is that for most of my life, my entire head turns into a dark red tomato whenever I feel embarrassed in front of a bunch of people. 

At any rate, Rosie from the grill looks at me and says, “¿Por qué te pones rojo?”.  

I answer, “Porque estoy EMBARAZADO.”