Spanish Language Coach and Tutor, Columbus, Ohio

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Spanish Listening Practice #3


This is the second clip of a series of messages that my friend from Colombia, Dayana, left me in response to me asking her how her business project was going. “¿Cómo te va el emprendimiento?”

You can listen to the first clip here.

In this audio, Dayana talks about why she couldn’t go to a gym that she had recently joined.

Listening Task

Count the number of verbs conjugated in the past tense and write your answer in the comments section.

Audio File


“Yo ingresé al gimnasio, pero solo fui una sola vez porque estaba mal con la gripa

Me recomendaron que, como tenía las defensas bajas, no era bueno que estuviera en el gimnasio. 

Entonces, ya me siento un poco mejor.  Aún tengo gripa pero no como antes, y voy a volver allí. 

Ya, ahora que entré al club para, para poder sentirme mejor.”  

Vocabulary/Useful Phrases

  • ingresé al gimnasio – I joined the gym
  • la gripa – the flu
  • tenía las defensas bajas – I had a compromised immune system
  • me siento mejor – I feel better 
  • voy a volver – I’m going to go back


How many times has Dayana gone to the gym since joining?

Why did they (gym staff) advise her to not come to the gym?

Dayana is no longer sick and plans to return to the gym.

Why did Dayana join the gym?

¡Que tengas un buen día, y nos vemos en la próxima!


Spanish Listening Practice #2


Spanish Listening Practice #4

1 Comment

  1. Rosita1

    Nine verbs past tense

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