Spanish Language Coach and Tutor, Columbus, Ohio

Pronounce Difficult Words in Spanish With This Technique

Spanish pronunciation is one of the easier aspects of learning the language, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t present some challenges.   

If you’ve ever had your tongue twisted while trying to pronounce difficult words like “desafortunadamente”, then this is the article for you.

I’ll be sharing a technique that I have used to quickly master the pronunciation of difficult words that contain lots of syllables, such as:

  • Definitivamente 
  • Electrodoméstico
  • Indemnización
  • Adelgazamiento
  • Desafortunadamente

and, last but not least:

  • Otorrinolaringólogo

Let’s get started.

Al Reves

The technique that I have used countless times to quickly master the pronunciation of long, complicated words in Spanish is to pronounce the word syllable by syllable backwards.

The best resource for finding Spanish vocabulary broken down and pronounced by syllable is the website:


Let’s try this technique with the word “aconsejable”:

From the homepage at, type in the word “aconsejable”.

Once on the results page, click on the little speaker icon next to the word. A woman will pop up on your screen, and she will pronounce the word one time normally and one time syllable by syllable.  

The default pronunciation option is that of Latin America, but if you want to hear how the word is pronounced in Spain, simply click on the dropdown arrow and select “Spain”, as seen in the video below:

Notice that she pronounces the word as it is spoken, from the first syllable to the last.  The technique that I’m suggesting is to do that backwards – start from the last syllable and syllable by syllable make your way to the first:

If that doesn’t do the trick, try repeating each syllable three times before moving to the next:


Let’s practice a bit more with the words from the list at the beginning of the post.













¿Cómo te fue?

Where you able to pronounce all or at least some of the words? Do you think this technique is helpful?

If so, let me know in the comments and consider sharing this post with your friends and family on social media.

¡Hasta la próxima!


Spanish Listening Practice #14


Spanish Listening Practice #15

1 Comment

  1. roseann seryak

    I found this very helpful! it boosted my confidence in attempting to speak harder words. the last word was the most difficult. great technique. thanks!

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