Tom Seryak

Spanish Language Coach and Tutor, Columbus, Ohio

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“False Friends” Lesson #1 – Embarrassed/Embarazada

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“Me pongo rojo como un tomate cuando estoy embarazado.”

I was working at a local restaurant and bar as a server and bartender.  I had already accepted a teaching position in Colombia and was beginning to practice Spanish on my own and at the restaurant with some of the Spanish speaking kitchen staff. 

One day, I was in the kitchen waiting for an order when my face turned red.  I can’t remember the reason why, but the only thing you need to know as it relates to this story is that for most of my life, my entire head turns into a dark red tomato whenever I feel embarrassed in front of a bunch of people. 

At any rate, Rosie from the grill looks at me and says, “¿Por qué te pones rojo?”.  

I answer, “Porque estoy EMBARAZADO.” 

How to Stop Translating in Your Head: Part 2

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This is part 2 of the series “How to Stop Translating in Your Head” that I have written with the purpose of giving you the tools and/or techniques that you need to both understand and produce a foreign language without translating

If you haven’t read part 1, I recommend reading it first before you continue with part 2.  You can access part 1 here

Lost in Translation

Have you ever found yourself thinking in English and then attempting to translate to Spanish (or another target language)?

It might look something like this:

Someone asks you, “¿Dónde estás?”

You think to yourself, “Ok.  This person wants to know where I’m at.  I’m at home, so let me break that down piece by piece:

I am = Yo soy

At = a

Home = la casa

How to Stop Translating in Your Head

Do you often find yourself translating to and from English while attempting to communicate in Spanish?

I know that it is tempting to find meaning through translation – it’s a type of instant gratification that I’ve fallen victim to countless times.  

But just like other things that we’ve all done that provide us instant gratification, such as hitting the snooze button on the alarm, eating junk food and wasting time on social media, there is a price to pay. With language learning, the price is hefty and gets worse with time.

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