Spanish Language Coach and Tutor, Columbus, Ohio

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Category: Short Stories

Two Hours That Changed My Life

On a Sunday Afternoon in Bogotá, Colombia.

It was February 26, 2017, and I was wrapping up a 10 day training in Bogotá, Colombia.

After an intense week of a learning how to teach English as a foreign language and how to integrate ourselves in Colombian culture, the organizers awarded us with a free day to rest and explore the city.

Myself and two other volunteers decided to hike to the top of Mount Monserrate, so that we could get some exercise and take in a beautiful view of the city.

The hike up the mountain was pretty intense, so we decided to go down in the cable car.

We blew an opportunity to try the local cuisine and ended up eating lunch at a Subway of all places.

At that point, I was ready to head back to the hotel. After all, the only plan that I was aware of was to climb Mount Monserrate.

But Athena (we called her “A”) was like a leaf blowing in the wind and wasn’t ready to land just yet.

“False Friends” Lesson #1 – Embarrassed/Embarazada

Sticky post
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“Me pongo rojo como un tomate cuando estoy embarazado.”

I was working at a local restaurant and bar as a server and bartender.  I had already accepted a teaching position in Colombia and was beginning to practice Spanish on my own and at the restaurant with some of the Spanish speaking kitchen staff. 

One day, I was in the kitchen waiting for an order when my face turned red.  I can’t remember the reason why, but the only thing you need to know as it relates to this story is that for most of my life, my entire head turns into a dark red tomato whenever I feel embarrassed in front of a bunch of people. 

At any rate, Rosie from the grill looks at me and says, “¿Por qué te pones rojo?”.  

I answer, “Porque estoy EMBARAZADO.” 

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